
I have a friend who has family with autisim, Bypolar, schisophrenia, Adhd and all these other illneses. Anyways she been with depression ever since she was about 15 due to alot that has happened to to her when she was little and abusive relashionships. she never got diagnosed with depression because she was scared to go to get help but she new something was wrong. when these depression appeared she useto cut her wrist but then all of sudden just the depression stopped at around 24 shes 30 now. well a few days ago it seems it had come back and worst! She gets angry very easy(doesnt hurt others just wants to hurt herself) any little loud noice irrates her sometimes and starts screaming then calms down and she began to cut herself again. She say she feels lonely although she has her 3 children and a boyfriend who loves her very much and tries to be supportive . and has axiety to drive ! she says she doesnt drive in the rain, or at night, or in winter or any bad weather because she gets very very scared and starts trembling and crying screaming at the wheel and she goes back home till the weather is better to go do her things. She says she feels she has bypolar and anxiety but she scared to go get checked . Any advice ladies ? or anyone that expiriences these symptoms "SORRY FOR THE SPELLING MY PHONE IS ACTING UP LOL"