He wants a relationship but needs time?!!


So I've been talking to this guy exclusively for almost 6 months. He texts me all day everyday and we hang out every weekend. We had a serious talk about the future and he said, "you're awesome and I really like you. I want a relationship I just need time to get there". He told me that he's cautious about starting relationships since his previous girlfriends had issues with his work sending him out of town months at a time. I've done long distance before and know how it goes and explained that to him but he seemed pretty guarded still. After I left, I texted him and asked if he wanted to just be friends since he's not ready and he said he'd like to continue talking and keep going out on dates. He gave me the "it's not you it's me" line and I thought he just wanted to be friends but he said he actually meant it lol. Am I setting myself up for potential heart break? I really like him and I've told him I don't want to potentially get stuck in limbo. I guess I either take the risk or never know what could have been. Help!

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