Does your SO try to keep up with your cycle

My SO told me a woman's cycle isn't her personal business and that it's wrong to not tell them man about our cycles like when they are due any everything but to me it's personal and I don't like to give tmi info even if I'm ttc

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If you're trying to conceive a baby privacy kind of goes out the window. Your SO will watch a human being exist your body either surgically or through your vagina. I think it's sweet that he is trying to be in tune with your body.


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I don't know about it being wrong for a woman not to tell her partner her cycle, but I do see it as why not let them know. My husband takes special care of me when my period comes on because I have cramps and am super sensitive. The only reasons I would refused to divulge my cycle information is because I'm super sad my period came on (we are ttc) or if I want to surprise him with a pregnancy announcement (hopefully soon). But different people different strokes. If you are uncomfortable sharing the information then you should explain that to him.