Birth story


Went in for my normal 38 week appointment on Tuesday August 29th.. got checked and was only dilated to 2cm and 70% effaced then I went over for my ultrasound to check baby's weight.. that's when my doctor started to get a concerned look on his face.. he then told us that my fluid was super low and baby's cord looked like it was around her neck.. got sent over to L&D; to be monitored and to have an extra ultrasound done to check everything again.. went home that night and the next morning at 5am went back to L&D; to be induced due to her fluid being low.. started pitocin around 7:30 am.. Dr came in at 10:30 to break my water.. contractions started getting closer and closer so I went ahead and got my epidural.. all was going smooth.. around 7cm dilated my epidural wore off on my right side so doc came in a gave me an extra dose to help.. 40 minutes later nurse came to check me again and said baby was crowning and it was time to push.. 3 pushes later and my daughter Scarlet LeeAnn Miles was born on august 30th at 4:05 weighing 8lbs 14 oz and 21 inches long. Her cord was wrapped around her neck coming out and dr acted swiftly to remove it and my daughter is the greatest blessing ever ❤ her big sister loves her so much!