
So i am 16, my boyfriend is 18, we have been together for a few months, everything is perfect. He is everything I could ever want. 2 weeks ago when we was having sex the condom broke. I was supposed to fly out with my mum to Paris the next morning so I couldn't go to the clinic. I just hoped i wouldn't conceived. My period is due in 3 days, so I'm going to have to wait to see if I am pregnant or not. But ever since we have been arguing non stop, and today I ended up leaving the relationship out of frustration, we was in an argument and I just lost it and through out "then we're done" I feel as if I have made a huge mistake as I can not picture myself with anyone other then him. He loves me and I love him, he feels as if I couldn't love him if I can leave the relationship so easily over an argument. Any advice on how to get him back?