Miscarriage at 5 weeks


I only found out I was pregnant on Tuesday, but by Saturday by HCG test results showed I lost our baby. We only knew for such a short time, but I am completely heartbroken and my husband is devastated. The test results are the only indication, I have no cramping or bleeding.

We've been trying for 4+ years. A couple months ago I had a hysteroscopy to remove polpys and this was our first month trying with mixed meds and <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a>.

The dr office has been closed for the long weekend, so I haven't heard what our next steps are yet... anybody know what I can expect?

I imagine at some point I should start bleeding/have a period? How long do you think they will make me wait before they let me do another medicated cycle?

Also, how have you dealt with all these feelings?? I'm not dealing with it very well so far. Obviously, it's gonna take a while to grieve. how can I help my husband?