Why's my love life so confusing😭

So for about the past 2 months I've been heave hearted about a few things.

I met this guy that I had on Instagram developed feelings for him and it was all okay.. we acted like a couple and kept things low key because when we started talking he was in a relationship that had ended a week after and so was I (Mine ended a week after but I knew it was at the end for the past month). I found out on Saturday that he did not intend for us to be more than we were.

Issue #2: I had also been talking to another guy I hadn't slept with him like I'd done with the first. He said he wanted a relationship with me. I get no affection unless we are together wether in public or not. Even if I send an affectionate text the response wouldn't be so affectionate. And we are so busy we can hardly make time for each other. I don't know what to do about him? I thought of ending it, but whenever I try ease the conversation that way he like fights for me I guess I'll say.

Issue #3: I have a co-worker I've sort of always had a crush on but never really thought I had a chance like we'd flirt and all but I didn't think my chances of being with him were that high. So I found out last night that we both have had a crush on the other and were confused with the mixed signals. We talked and kind of just let everything off our chest and I'm not seeing him until Wednesday so I don't know how that's going to go.

I am just a really confused 20 yr old trying to figure shit out. Please help and try not to judge although yes I did fuck up.