BFP after almost 3 years!


I am still in shock that we are finally pregnant! I went off birth control in November 2014, but we didn't actively "try" - didn't track ovulation, etc. then in January of 2016, we realized it might take more than just being off birth control, so I started <a href="">tracking ovulation</a> and BBT, we started using pre seed and I was taking prenatal vitamins. January 2017, we started seeing a fertility specialist and I went on 3 rounds of Clomid. We decided to take a break so we could figure out if we wanted to do another round of Clomid or go on to <a href="">IVF</a> and decided that during the break, I was going to be healthy, take some natural supplements, etc. Then last week, we stopped at the grocery store and the first things I grabbed were ice cream, macaroni salad and pickles. My DH looked at me weird and I decided to get a pregnancy test. sure enough, it was positive. 2 blood tests have now confirmed it. We are still in disbelief! We did not track ovulation, although I was taking Maca supplements for about 2 months and I had just started taking Vitex, had started working out more by using my FitBit to increase steps. I was also eating healthier and we were having a lot more sex without the stress of HAVING to have sex. We had also gotten used to using pre seed, so we were still using it occasionally. not sure exactly what it was this time around, but whatever it was, we are over the moon!