All the frustration with my partner, I'm at the end of my rope.


We've agreed to try for a baby for a year now, something he's never expressed any doubt in doing and always says he's ready. But he can not be bothered to have sex with me. I've communicated how frustrating it is for me, I've told him how worthless it makes me feel. He always says he is sorry he sees where I am coming from and he can't wait until next month because it will be different. Well this is the 3rd month of addressing this issue and we only had sex once in my fertile window (and I'm pretty sure it was the day after ovulation). I'm laying in bed because I just don't even want to get up, another month down the drain and I know I am going to have to address the problem again and hear it will change again and get my hopes up again only to feel like I do right now again next month. I'm 35 I don't have the luxury of wasting all of these chances.

Thanks for listening, I just needed to get it off my chest.