Bleeding during early pregnancy?


Hello all,

I am asking this because I am curious. People (nosy people who don't realize how long I've been TTC and don't know how annoying/hurtful their comments are) keep telling me they know I'm pregnant pretty much any time I have any sort of ache or pain or illness. I normally respond by telling them that I just got done with my period or am currently on my period, which is often the cause of the aforementioned ache, pain, or illness. They usually respond by telling me I can still have a normal period in the early stages of pregnancy.

My question is: Have any of you actually had a normal period only to find out soon thereafter that you were pregnant? Are we talking spotting, light bleeding, or normal to heavy flow? I'm very tired of my coworkers saying this because it gives me false hope. I've got to know if there's any truth to it.
