obgyn/midwife confusion!


I so I am starting the process of finding an OBGYN that will be with me through it all from getting pregnant to delivery. Anyway I was wanting to know what are some things you ladies wanted/needed in a doctor. What were your deal breakers? Also I don't have everything worked out there are some things I feel strongly about such as delayed cord clamping, Not bring induced unless I'm late or it's medically needed, c section only when medically needed because I am allergic to most antibiotics. I am just wondering if I should be picky or if all obgyn are basicly the same when it comes to how it's done. So anything stories or advice would be appritated. Did any of you have to change doctors because of a difference in beliefs, did you pick a doctor based on privileges at a particular hospital, why did you pick an obgyn or a midwife over the other? please share anything!