my birth story

Avie • Momma of 2 beautiful boys. 9/13/12 , 8/6/18. 💙💙💙💙💙💙 and a loving wife 8/23/14 ❤❤❤❤

so my son will be turning 5 on the 13th. so I'm a little late but here is my story. so about 4 days before I went into labor. I was helping watch my nieces and nephews. while the parents fixed up a house. later that night I started having contractions every 3 to 4 hours. the next day every 2 to 3 hrs and it continued till Tuesday the 11th. on Wednesday the 12th. I felt something come out of me. ( I was like what the hell) I went to the bathroom there was a long 2 inch discharge looking thing in underwear. I call the doctor and was like WTF is it? and they said it sounds like mucus plug. to come in so they can check and do a stress test. so I go there around in 130 pm. they hook me up to the stress machine. I started to have contractions. and my doctor comes in and says looks like you are having contractions every 7 to 8 minutes. go home and come back when the are 4 to 5 mins apart. I go home by that time they are 5 mins apart. I wait ten minutes and they're 4 to 5 mins apart. so we get in the car and go I get there and they get me in the room. ( it 3 pm when I get there) and while I am waiting for them to get everything they need. I hear a woman screaming. I start to cry because I'm scared. the nurse comes in and says why are you crying honey what's wrong? I say I heard screaming. she says don't worry sweetie she is going natural. she Checks me and I'm at a hard 3. so we wait. around 1 am they come and break my water. after that the contractions are real painful. I ask For an epidural. it was not really that bad I really didn't feel it.... so around 6 am they come and check me and I'm at a 10. it was time to push. I was pushing for an hour and 30 mins.. I tore... my sons nose was stuck on my pelvic bone. so I would crown and he would suck right back up by that time I'm like I can't. my doctor

helped me. ( I was 37 weeks when I went into labor) my beautiful baby boy was born. he

weighed 7 lbs even and 20 inches long at 7:35 am I was in labor for 18hrs but all worth it.