

So this is a long story cut short, I don't feel comfortable with my best friend (single) and my boyfriend (in a long distance relationship w me) hanging out together. A huge fight start because they hung out, but things are starting to blow over. I'm an extremely jealous person and I just don't like them being together when I'm in another state for school. Now, he is supposed to visit this month, he WAS supposed to come alone but his parents think it's better if he comes with MY best friend on a 10 HOUR train ride. Most of the train ride does not have reception because going through the desert which means they will have countless hours to do whatever they do. I don't know how or what to feel about this because he was going to come alone so we work things out as well as have some MUCH NEEDED alone time. I told my best friend that and all she said was "I'll leave until you guys are done" I'm am so frustrated and I needed to vent. Please someone out there give me some advice on what to do. Please