SO is terrible at sex....

So I have been seeing this guy for about 7 months now. He's completely out of my comfort zone as far as people I would normally date, but he treats me really well and genuinely cares about me. At first I thought he was my knight in shining armor but lately I'm feeling like that less and less. There's a major issue in our relationship- the sex. It's awful. He's the smallest guy I've been with but I've heard size doesn't matter so I let that go. Now I'm questioning that, because I can't get off at all with him. It's like he has no idea what he's doing. No matter what we do I don't get off with him. We've tried so many things, I've incorporated my vibrator in the bedroom, cock rings, other toys. The whole nine yards. But NOTHING works. It's actually like it's getting worse instead of better. He doesn't understand my body no matter how hard I try to tell him what to do to make me feel good. When he goes down on my it's lolike how many lick to the center  of the clitoris, there's absolutely no tongue control whatsoever.. I don't know what to do but even more so, I'm struggling to make it work because he has no self control. He can't last even two minutes, and sometimes we don't even get to actually have sex before he gets overly excited and cums. I sat him down and talked to him about it to explain how I was feeling and the issues because I really would like this to work... but that was over a month ago an since then nothing has changed. He gets frustrated with me for not wanting to have sex this past week but it's honestly not worth the effort right now to me because I know it's going to last a minute and I'm not going to get off. PLEASE give me some advice, ladies. I don't know what to do!! He is very very nice and he treats me well but I don't see myself continuing and staying in a relationship where I'm not satisfied and he's not willing to work at it.