has anyone ever had a fertility massage also known as a "sobada"???

I had my third one on sunday and go for the fourth one next sunday. The first massage, she assessed my reproductive organs and was able to find out things by doing so. She said I had a cold uterus and advised me to do things that would keep it warm and sent me a list of things to do. She also sent me home with loose leaf tea she made and told me to drink two cups a day. Last week, she could tell I was about to drop an egg and showed me where it was and had me feel it. This sunday, she told me that she could tell I have a fertilized egg by the way my uterus felt. Now it's the waiting game to see if the egg implanted. I'm so nervous and to be honest, a little skeptical because my husband and I have been trying for almost 3 years without getting pregnant once. I figured I would try because she has helped 11 women since May get pregnant, who all had trouble conceiving. 2 of those women had failed <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> cycles. It's only $125 for 4 massages so it can't hurt to try. I'm not even sure if I've ever had a fertilized egg before so this was pretty cool to hear. If this works, I'm going to give her an awesome gift and I possibly might kiss her lol (not really ) but I'm going to be over the moon happy. I was just wondering what others experiences were!