Car Accident


My boyfriend and I got into both our first car accident together. It was not his fault the guys that hit us was unable to stop going 75-80 in a 35 mph zone. He had skid marks about 2 feet before hitting us trying to stop. My boyfriend is 17 and got his license a week ago. He is NEVER the type of person too cuddle idk why but that's how he is. After about 3 hours of me falling asleep he comes out lays down next to me and just cuddles with me. He asked me how I was feeling if I was okay. Since the accident he has been treating me like a baby. Yeah I loved the cuddling and him holding me falling asleep. But he has been waiting on me hand and foot not wanting me to get up he just wants me to lay down. Is this gilt? I don't want him to feel like it's his fault like he has to do this for me. We should be here for each other. We both have aches and pains and bruises from the air bag. I just want him to know it's not his fault if he is feeling like it is.