Baby Momma drama w/ screenshots

I used to get told that I don't spend enough time with my stepdaughter or I treat her different (I was a very irate pregnant woman 😖). I changed and I've been bonding with her SOOO well.

Well, her mom is super shitty. She goes 5-6 days without seeing her. She pawns her off on my MIL constantly and my MIL doesn't "make" her take responsibility as a mother...

Today she finally picked my SD up after days without seeing her and my SD didn't want to go. She ended up going anyway, but her mom brought her back a couple hours later. The baby girl doesn't want to stay with her Bc her mom NEVER wants to spend time with her. It's like she hardly knows her real mom...

I get so frustrated with my MIL enabling this chick... my MIL is a "yes" person. So today when my SD got dropped off, her mom sent the texts below. Surprisingly, my MIL said to come pick her up if she felt like she wasn't spending enough time. She threw this whole pity party/guilt trip... and then told my SO that we can just keep my SD and she can just call when she wants to... she said she didn't care anymore bc my 3 YEAR OLD step daughter doesn't spend time with her. Such bullshit.

On our way home from leaving my MIL house, I was talking to my SO, saying if she feels this way then she needs to step up as a mom so baby girl actually feels like spending time with her real mom... I think it is so important!! They baby this woman and never tell her to just straight up be a better mom and spend time with her if she feels that way!!! My SO told me "...I don't know why you care so much..." bc I told him I wish my SD mom would step up and everyone kisses her ass.

We are engaged and have 5 month old baby together, so I am very passionate as a mom and I feel terrible that my SD own mom sucks so bad. I do my best to be a good mom to her but there is nothing like having a bio parent that is there for you just as much. Should I not give a shit??? All she does is party and works at Hooters... that's it. She can actively spend time with her daughter if she wanted to! I know she is better off with us but as a mom myself, I feel terrible for my SD! And I'm sick of everyone babying her mom and biting their tongues!!!!!!!!!