TTC 4 months... NO LUCK

Hi, Im 26 years old and I have a 3 year old son and it took 3 years to conceive him. I blame the depo shot for taking so long to conceive. During those 3 years my cycles were very irregular. I would go 70 to 100 and something days without a cycle. Than finally at the 3 year mark my cycles were regular for 2 months and I finally fell pregnant.18 months later I fell pregnant again (wasn't trying), but sadly I had to make a decision to terminate the pregnancy because of an abusive relationship. I decided to have a chemical abortion (a set of pills to stop progesterone from being produce and to expel the pregnancy). I was 8 weeks 1 day just 6 days shy of having to have the abortion procedure. Fast forward to 11 months in a new relationship I fell pregnant again. I just stop taking birth control pills 2 months before, but sadly I had a chemical pregnancy. The day I got my bfp the day I started bleeding. 2 days later I had a beta done with results of 30. After 6 months of getting to know each better we decided to start ttc. We have been trying for 4 months now with no luck at all. Every since the chemical my cycles have been shorter than normal. I'm usually a 33 day cycle now Im always 28 every single month for 4 months now. First cycle following chemical was 47 days. I take opks and get a positive every 13th day. I tried clearblue digital advanced this current cycle and didnt get a flashy smiley just straight to solid after 5 days of low. I really feel like something is wrong. im just so confused, I get a period every month have regular sex and still nothing. The no flashing smiley concerns me about my estrogen being low. Also I noticed that I have zero eggwhite cervical mucus. Around my fertile week it is clear but it's not like eggwhite. The rest of the month it's thick and white. Maybe Im actually not ovulating, but why the regular cycles? Tested yesterday at 9-10 dpo bfn. I feel out this month. We used preseed and bd everyday in my fertile window. Has anyone ever have their cycle every month and not ovulate?? Any tips??