Loss of motivation

For a long while now I've felt completely different about myself. I can't look at myself in the mirror for long I fear accidentally opening my phone camera on myself. And I can't have photos taken of me. This all stems from having other chicks trying to get involved in mine and my partners life or my partner making comments about other women to his mates. In the past we've had issues with me overthinking things and him doing stupid things like lying about talking to chicks and that. I told him i'm fine with it as long as they know his taken and that nothing happens sexually.

Though I can't help but feel like shit about myself !. I feel like I'm not good enough and I hate the way I look. I've been on and off trying to change my ways and working out. But I keep loosing motivation. I can't seem to be consistent in working out.. I haven't been diagnosed though I feel I may have anxiety and low iron levels. I have many symptoms. Just haven't got the money to see a doctor or get treated. Anyways.. I need your help to motivate me.. what are some ways of being consistent and staying healthy and gaining muscles (abs and booty) I want the big booty, nice legs, defined abs and toned arms I just can't seem to keep a good routine. If you can comment before and after pics or your workout routines and that it would be appreciated. Please help