
Haley💙 • Mommy of 3.

I'm 36w 3D pregnant with my 3rd baby. I was on procardia for several weeks for contractions. I've had them stopped with terbutaline at l&d; 6 times. All while only being dilated to a 1.5/2cm the whole time yet I've had contractions constantly. I stopped the procardia at 34 weeks and haven't really had any especially the last few days until yesterday morning they started out 20 minutes apart, 30 seconds long.. then around lunch they were 10 minutes apart.. a minute long and stayed that way pretty much all through the night last night. I went to sleep so I didn't time them but they kept waking me up. This morning they are 5 minutes apart and about a minute long and I'm like should I go into l&d; or wait until my doctors appointment at 1:15 today. I'm alone with my 15 month old baby so I don't really need to have a baby in the car but at the same time I'm like... what if this is it? Lol I'm not calling them either cause they're rude af. Like "IF YOU THINK YOUR IN LABOR COME GET CHECKED I CANT HELP YOU THROUGH THE PHONE🙄 and then I come in and they angrily try to shove they're entire arm up my cooch just to check my cervix. Sorry for the long post, l&d; nurses in my area aren't pleasant for the most part.