Necessary induction put off because "hospital is short staffed"


I had many ultrasounds during my pregnancy and actually weekly for the last month. My daughter has hydronephrosis and at my last appointment the amniotic fluid levels were very low (39+2)

Based on my previous appointment it was decided if the fluid decreased anymore I should plan on induction after my 39 week appointment.

Midwife tells me to go straight to hospital and says she will call and let them know we are coming. Baby's kidneys are getting worse and fluid is also getting worse in the four days I had between ultrasound appointments. I had been having contractions and small gushes of fluid since 6:30am. It is now 4:00pm at my appointment.

Midwife comes back into the room and says the hospital is understaffed and there's already too many women in labor for me to be sent over. They decide to monitor me closely and want me to come back tomorrow and also advise if I go into labor on my own the hospital cant turn me away... I am 3cm at this point.

So I go home. Stressed out. Worried about my baby. Pissed at the Dr.

8:00pm my contractions randomly begin stronger and continue every 3-5 minutes.

10pm I called the on call dr and she tells me to wait an hour and call back. At 11:30 I called back to say it's not letting up and continuing every 3-5 minutes. The dr on call tells me to try a bath...

They aren't listening to me. This isnt going to let up. I live almost an hour away from the hospital. So I wait it out even further and cannot get comfortable w the contractions continuing every 3-5 mins.

At 1:45 I am exhausted and been awake for 22 hours as I worked the previous morning.

Called hospital and they say its okay to come in now. Arrived and dr said she wanted to check and see if I was leaking fluid and went to check with speculum and could she baby's head. I was 7cm. She says yeah you will be admitted you are in labor.... yeah no shit! I started throwing up they called anesthesia at 4am to get a spinal. The guy was on call at home and didn't get there until 6:15 when I was already 10cm and ready to push. I opted for spinal instead of epidural thinking 2-3 hours of relief would be enough for me to push her out and relax.

Got spinal and pushed for two hours. The spinal only lasted the first hour so it was kind of pointless as the time her head was crowning I was back to feeling everything. I should have just done it natural as 95 percent of my labor was done without meds. Baby Quinn was born at 08:00 on Tuesday 8/29.

Cord was around her neck and Dr told me stop pushing once her head was out. She had to completely turn the baby 360 to get the cord off her neck before I could push again.

Long story short higher risk pregnancy and put off my hospital and doctors. So thankful everything worked out for my baby girl.