How do I tell my man I want him to get in shape?

Okay. So, I'm overweight myself. I have a BMI of like 31 or something. But the guy of my dreams is also obese. I NEVER say anything about his weight to him but it does bother me. I'm just worried that he will have health problems in the future. He's pretty self confident, and I tell him that he is beautiful ALL THE TIME!! I want to start working out and getting healthy because we are thinking of having a baby soon. 🤰🏾 I would like for him to join me in my healthy journey. I don't want him to think I want to change him, because I don't, I love the man that he is. But I do want him to be cautious of his eating habits and his health. Am I wrong!!!???!?!?! I feel like a control freak! I love him to death!!!