Opinions? Picture, missed period on birth control and spotting ?

Okay, so I have been taking Lo Loestrin for about 4 months now since I have switched off the depo shot. I am HORRIBLE at taking pills daily which is why I tried nuvaring and depo but neither worked out for me.

My SO and I have been very active this month and I missed a couple pills but followed the directions on missed pills. I usually get my period the first day of that last week but it hasn't came yet. Also I forgot to take it for 3 days of the last week (Thursday Friday and Saturday) I took them the way you're supposed to when you miss pills again but I forgot to take Sunday 😣

It's so frustrating I can't set a timer because I work all sorts of hours and I can't have an alarm going off at work . By the time I get to bed I'm so exhausted and forget to take them. I can't think to take it with breakfast because I don't have the time, nor do I even eat breakfast. I usually aim for work.


I messed up this month with a bunch of pills, period hasn't came and it usually does that first day of the last pack. Friday or Saturday night I had cramping.

Sunday night, there was a brown spot and I wiped and there was VERY little of it. I put in a tampon, next morning nothing. Put one in before I went to work and still nothing ALL DAY. I could've sworn it was my period. It is now Tuesday and still nothing. Now I'm wondering if it could've been implantation or something?

Do I bother testing or should I wait it out? How long until I should test? We weren't going to start trying for a baby until next year but would totally love our little blessing now if it were to happen.

Sorry if this is long, I just need opinions.