Second Miscarriage, different from the first!


Hi everyone.

I was just wondering if, for those of us who have experienced/are experiencing multiple miscarriages, was there much of a difference between the two?

My first was in February this year. I was 6+2 when i started spotting on the Saturday, went to A&E; who said my cervix was still closed and an appointment was scheduled for Monday morning for an internal ultrasound. By Monday morning the bleeding had intensified but there was still a sac on the ultrasound so they scheduled me another one in a week to see the progress. I ended up bleeding heavily and miscarrying at home on the Tuesday, getting another scan on the Thursday to confirm that my uterus was empty. All in all from spotting to miscarrying &a; finishing bleeding was 7 days.

This time I started spotting around 2 weeks ago (I'm currently nearly 9 weeks) with the spotting getting worse over the weekend. I've had a scan and HCG levels and they have risen a minute amount but not enough for it to be a viable pregnancy as the doctors said. The scan showed a sac again but not as progressed as it should be so another scan has been booked for next week to confirm that there is no growth.

I've yet to have any clots though have been having period type pain for a few days. But I just really want it to hurry up and start now so that I can get back to normal. Was there much difference in consecutive miscarriages for anyone else? This seems to be taking a lot longer! I'm currently off work after an operation a few months ago but am due back next week when my sick note runs out. I really don't want to start back after 3 months mid Miscarriage!

Sorry for the rambling, I'm just intrigued as to different experience and how long it can take for my body to do this on its own!

Multiple miscarriages really suck! This has been an utterly awful year! I was excited and happy that we would have been pregnant again in time for our first pregnancies due date (end of sept) but now I'm just going to have a second loss to deal with instead.