Married and...


So This is my 2nd marriage, I’m 26 and I have a good paying job. I make almost $20/hr and my husband makes a significant amount less. I have 2 bank accounts: my paychecks go into my joint account and my child support (from my first marriage) financial aid (for school) and my child care subsidy (my job offers a set amount to offset the cost of child care) go into my own solo account.

All of my bills get paid and my husband keeps his tips from his job in his wallet. I make enough where all of our bills get paid with my check. My husband is mad because I will not put him on my second bank account. He is very bad with money and he is constantly draining our joint account. Multiple times I’ve paid bills out of my second bank account because he has spent money on stupid shit.

I don’t care about paying the bills, but I will not put my family into a position where I have $0 because he gets swipe happy.

Am I wrong not to share my money? Not my paychecks, but my child support (that goes to my child’s school needs) my financial aid that goes to my schooling or my child care subsidy?

Opinions are greatly appreciated and I will not get butt hurt 😜