Your thoughts

Megan 👑

I have a long back story to whom I've slept with and how often I slept with people, to cut things short I'm still looking for answers on why I haven't ended up pregnant. I have been on multiple birth controls and I started ttc about 1 year and 1/2 ago. I've changed partners various times and I stopped using bc when I started ttc. I've been with my fiancé for 3 months now and we don't use any method of bc and he's got two boys of his own. I'm starting to think it's impossible for me to get pregnant and I don't feel strong enough to ask doctors what's wrong with me. I did have a form of disease but it was cured and I'm wondering if that's the reason why. Any thoughts? I've been reading on here how some myths have helped others conceive but I hate the feeling of anything wet down there. Especially cum. So I always pee after. Could that be a big factor as well? I'm open to any questions you may have or any comments that could help me out in this situation. Pleaseee respond!!