Am i being too sensitive...?


So I have a sister who always - no matter what topic - always has to minimize everyone else's struggles or progress with her own stories of even worse struggles or even better progress. It drives me crazy and I'm a very (usually) laid back person.

I've been TTC since February, not too long, and I mentioned that to my sister. Her response was "Oh, that's nothing, I tried for 14 months!" or our other sister's baby finally gained some weight and her response is "Oh, that's nothing, MY baby is already in 2T!" etc, etc. Just a few examples but you get the idea.

I don't know if I'm being too sensitive. There's also that competitive sister dynamic going on - I get that, too. Normally, I'd let it go, be annoyed about it for a minute then move on. But I must be sensitive, 7 months isn't that long, I know there women who have been trying for YEARS in here. I think I should say something just to get over being super annoyed by it. 🤷