Can't stop losing weight


I don't want to sound like a brat because I know people struggle with their weight and may hate me for saying this, but I'm getting really annoyed because I just keep losing weight. I have struggled with weight too, never severely over weight, but always a little chubby. Before I got pregnant I got down to a weight I felt comfortable with. Im 5" and weighed 118. I gained 30 lbs during my pregnancy, and now at 9 months PP I'm 103... actually I may be less than that now, cause last I was weighed was a few weeks ago. It's not really that I hate being skinny, but I hate that people always make comments about it and that none of my clothes fit.I held out for awhile on buying anything new but about a month ago I caved because I was constantly wearing bagging clothes and it just looked bad. I bought a couple new pairs of pants and they're already too big again 😭 I don't have it in my budget to keep buying new clothes. Any suggestions?? I don't diet and I honestly don't eat very healthy anymore, but it's like my body just won't store it anymore. Again.. not trying to sound bitchy, but I just get so frustrated!