no she didn't.

Alissa • 🧒🏽🧒🏽👼🏽👧🏽🤰🏽happily married. 💗

a girl my husband works with decided Friday that she'd flirt with him and follow him around and talk about him in high school (he didn't meet her until Friday), she was friends with his younger brother. he brushed it off because she's younger and didn't pay attention to it. then yesterday she was 'being mean' in the I want you on top of me kinda mean 😂. and she punched him in his chest and said "quit playing. why you being so rude?" he turns to her and says "listen, do not touch me, my wife will have to come in here. I'm not trying to threaten you but uh she doesn't mess around, please don't touch me" and she goes "I'm not afraid of her!" he goes " well you don't know my wife" and later his friend comes to him and says " hey Karissa was texting Austin, saying she really wanted to be with you because you're cute and funny but found out 'he has a stupid wife like what the fuck'. GOD GIVE ME STRENGTH!