TWW To Dos

Lisa • TTC#1 🌱

Hi friends 😊 I'm currently in my TWW. It's new territory for me, so I decided to approach it thankfully and positively in attempt to avoid being overly anxious.

Here are some things that I'll be focusing on in these next two weeks (gathered info from several resources). Hope you find some helpful things - good luck with your journey 😘


-Super foods for fertility: broccoli for folic acid, avocado for vitamin E and healthy fats, maca for hormonal balance, dark leafy greens.

-Blood nourishing foods to create and support a rich uterine lining: pumpkin and sunflower seeds, quinoa, spirulina, seaweed (veggie sushi, nori wraps).

-Foods that support warmth (for that rising temp!): soups, stews, cinnamon, ginger.

-Hydrating: hibiscus, red raspberry leaf, coconut water.



-Meditation: dedicate time during the day to close your eyes and focus love and light to your abdomen, mind, and heart.

-Deep breathing – every time you think you notice a “symptom” - take 3 deep breaths – acknowledging what you feel, then let it go.

-Noting symptoms, but not focusing on them. Annotate what you're feeling, but then mentally move on.



-Activity: Maintain activity levels – whether it’s a run, brisk walk, yoga. Start those pregnancy positive exercises: Squats, lunges, hip stability exercises.

-Nesting: clear out excess around the house. Organize drawers and closets that are easily forgotten. Dedicate 10min to cleaning a small area of the house each day (a cabinet, a sock drawer, a shelf in the closet).

-Rest: taking naps, going to sleep earlier (elevated progesterone can make you sleepy).

- End everyday with a time of mental awareness. Inhale thankfulness and exhale anxiety. Spritz lavender on your pillow before sleeping.

Love & light to you all 🙏