Super low hcg 😰


If you base it off my last period, I should technically be nearly 6 weeks along. I did labs for the first time last Friday and the results just came today and my hcg is only 39!!! They had me come back today to draw more labs, so I've got every finger crossed that numbers are going up up up. The nurse who called wasn't negative at all, so I like to think it didn't look completely hopeless?

Anyone else dealt with super low numbers at first but had it turn out ok? I'm really hoping I just ovulated late or something and I'm not as far along as I thought.

The only "bad" symptom I've had is super light (like so light I only knew it was there was because I looked at the toilet paper) dark-brown spotting that only lasted one day this last weekend.

I took a generic test a few days before my period should have started and it was negative, but then I took another when my period was nearly a week late and got a light positive. Have gotten two digital positives since (including this morning after they called with my results!!)

Stop this, body 😢