39+5 baby not engaged yet - advice?


Does anyone else have this problem? I'm due in two days with my first child and my baby's head is not engaged yet. Dr said given circumference of baby's head being on the larger side this may be a sign that the head won't fit into my pelvis. On top of that my baby is in the "back to back" position, and apparently showing early signs of distress because my placenta has aged a bit and is not delivering nutrients to baby as efficiently as it was at my last appointment (3weeks ago). Doctor is recommending I get induced in next three days and has said there is a good chance I'll wind up in a c section.

Has this been anyone else's experience? I'm still holding out hope for a vaginal birth even if I am induced, but feeling like this is just wishful thinking. Anyone have any tips on c section procedure or recovery? I have spent so much of my pregnancy psyching myself up for vaginal delivery and so the idea of a c section is mildly nerve racking.

All relevant experiences and/or support appreciated!