My amazing birth story !


Aug 28 was my due date, we didn't think I was going to go on my own because last time I checked the doctor could not feel her head and my cervix was closed, but September first I woke up with pain in my back and was starting to lose my mucous plug i went to my normal check up at the hospital they said should be soon with in a week or so. But Saturday came and I was still bleeding and still getting back pain but it had gotten worse I went all day walking around went to the mall went to my friends house at 6 and the pain was getting closer with in 6 mins apart, she suggests me to go to the hospital I said I'm fine I can still walk and pain isn't so bad I just went home and slept called my husband told him to come from work just in case, I slept till he came home at 10 pain getting closer together I suggest at 1 to go to the hospital to get checked,as I try and get up my water brakes on my bed, we reach to the hospital and they check me I was already 5 cm, they tell me I'm in full active labor, 3 o'clock comes and I give in and need something for the pain, I got a pain killer shot in my arm they check me again and I'm 8 cm, next thing I know I have a strong feeling to push at 4 o'clock, nurse checks me and says I'm crowning she can se her head but Don't push we have to wait on the doctor, I say I can't help it I have to push, three pushes and she is out! The doctor arrived just in time,

My baby girl Matayah was here Sunday 4:20 akm 6lb 7
