You guys. HELP.

Lenie 🍄 • Sex positive, body positive, here to learn and teach, taken 💍

Is it possible for a tampon to get sucked up so far inside you that you can't feel it?!? I have super light periods now that I'm on birth control and I was out of panty liners so when I started spotting today I put a R sized tampon in. That was at about 3 and it's just now 7. I just got home from class and went to take it out and I CANNOT FIND IT!! I am not a virgin so I got in there and dug around and nothing!! I even got in the shower and pushed like I was giving birth and still nothing! I did go poo shortly after putting the tampon in so I'm hoping I just pushed it out then without realizing it. But I'm afraid there was no string and I need to go to the ER or something. HELP 😩