Not forgotten

Amanda • 🌈09-08-2017🌈 Baby Leo April 25, 2019 💙

I wont ever be able to hold you.

I wont be able to name you.

I wont be able to kiss your little nose.

I will never get to see you grow up.

You made my life complete.

I told you many times a day, of how much I loved you..

How much me and your daddy, and guard dogs loved you.

You made me happy, even with I threw up.

You made me a mommy.

Hearing your little heart, gave me life.

Then the day came, of when I would never hear you again.

When I didn't get to see you wiggle around..

The day I found out I lost you.

The day I lost my heart.

I will never forget you, baby.

Time will heal.

This is the last picture I got of you..