To marry or not to marry..

My mom struggled all her life, being a teenager & pregnant with me. She brought me to USA when I was about 5 because she wanted me to have an shot at being someone in life & not struggling like she did. I am a junior in high school & am part of daca. My permit doesn't need to get renovated until 2018. However, with the whole Trump ending the program chaos, my mom wants me to marry my guy best friend. She's willing to do anything, even pay him as long as I'm able to get my papers fixed so I can continue my education which as far as I've come, it's going very well. Most of my classes are ap while the rest are pre-ap. Growing up, I always wanted to get married ONCE & for it to be with someone I truly love. My mom has talked this over with my best friend & he's in. I just don't know if I am.. I think marriage should be out of love, not benefits but this is something that will hugely affect my life either for the good or the bad. Idk what to do, think, or say..