Please help.. advice?

Kayla • Christian🙏🏻wife💍baby boy coming June 2018!💙dog mom🐶

Okay, so I was on my period from August 21-25.. glow said my peak ovulation day was September 3rd but my ovulation tests said my peak day was August 31st and I had no LH surge on September 3rd, no second line at all.. my husband and I BD every other day starting on the 26th of August.. today, September 5th I feel extremely bloated, cramping like period pains in my pelvic area, slightly nauseated and really tired. I don't have sore or tender breasts.. they feel like normal.. I'm confused as to what I'm feeling. Could it be implantation? Or pregnancy?? I know it's way too soon to test because I made that mistake today and got a big fat negative... but it's too soon to feel PMS for my period right? This is our first month TTC, and my third month off the birth control pill Sprintec.