

Hello all. Please no harsh judgment with this post.

I breastfed my son for about the first week he was born. It was really hard because I had an emergency csection so it took about 4 days for milk to come in. When it did, it wouldn't come out because I was so engorged. No matter what the lactation consultant and I tried, it would not come out. Around day 7 it started to get a little easier but I had started my son on formula at this point since he lost a whole pound. I decided to formula feed and pump since he hated breastfeeding so much. That lasted for about two days and I haven't pumped since. So he's 15 days old and I haven't pumped since day 12. Is it too late for me to start pumping again and build up supply? I thought I could handle just formula feeding but I'm feeling way to guilty and feeling like I'm not doing my best for him. I pumped tonight and barely got anything which I know is normal but even at my best pumping every couple hours I never got more than an ounce combined. I guess I just want to know if I start pumping again will it be enough to even help him and at this point will it even up my supply this late in the game? Thank you to anyone that can help!