Let's have a little fun! Mine are posted below 😏

Brittany β€’ Happily Married since Nov 2015 😍 TTC for 2 years for #1 together. Angel baby πŸ‘ΌπŸ» 04/06/2007 praying for my 🌈

We are currently trying to conceive our first child together & these are my top ones that truly get under my skin.... 😠😠😠

"When are y'all planning on having a baby?"

"You're biological time clock is ticking.... better start popping babies out!"

"Have you thought about adopting?!"

"Why don't you foster?!"

"You only have one kid?"

"Oh, so he has a child with his first wife but y'all don't have any together yet?"

"It's all in Gods timing..."

"Just stop trying & you'll get pregnant quicker!"

"Well at least you lost the baby early in the pregnancy..."

"Dont stress about it & it will happen..."

"I completely understand what you're going through because my cousins best friends aunts grandmothers step sister went through the same thing..."

"Y'all have been trying to have a baby for how long?! We got pregnant the first month!"

And these are just some phrases I just despise in general!

"No offense, but...."

"Don't take this the wrong way, but..."

"Cash me ousside, how bout dat?"




"It will get better..."

"If it's meant to be it will always find its way..."

"If he loves you, he'll be back..."

"It is what it is..."


"Tots adorbs"

"On fleek"



"True dat"

"We're pregnant"

"Chill out/calm down"

"At least they're not suffering anymore"

"Maybe it's not meant to be"