Positive Induction Birth Story


Yesterday, September 4th, we welcomed our third child, a son. I would like to share some words of encouragement for those mothers like me that are scheduled or possibly needing an induction. Let me start by saying my first two children were born a few days late but came naturally and without pain meds. This was my goal all along because honestly the epidural scares me. I like to be in control of my body. I always knew it was an option I could use, but tried to keep those thoughts minimized. So, with baby #3, who was content inside, we schedule an induction. Everyday my anxiety increased at the thought of being induced. We've all heard how bad pitocin sucks. Could I handle it? Would I need an epidural? Would the epidural lead to c-section? All those nagging thoughts and concerns worried me.

They started the pitocin (only) around 10 am. I was 2 cm, 75% effaced and -2 station. At 1 pm they checked me and no change! I was so disappointed but the contractions didn't seem very productive so it didn't surprise me in a way. They turned up the pitocin again and by 2 pm the contractions were much more intense, about when I would head to the hospital with my natural labors. By 3 pm I was in full blown labor and was asking to be checked at 3:30. They checked me and I was 8 cm! Within a few minutes I needed to push and he was born about 15 minutes later without an epidural. By far the better birthing experience of my three deliveries. I was more rested, better able to deal with the contractions because I was rested, and still had energy after delivery. My first two labors spanned 24-36 hours so that wore me down much more than the induction.

I appreciate and recognize that each birth story is different and unique. Most will not have my experience. Additionally, every person has a different birth plan and that's to be expected and respected. I share my story to bring comfort and hope to that woman that might be facing an induction tomorrow or next week. For those that might be scared of the unknown, like me. I heard and read just as many negative induction stories as positive ones too. So I hope to add one more positive induction birth story to your list. Good luck!