Losing my boyfriend of 6 years...

Kim • J❤️🌈👶🏻🤞🏼

Please help. If anyone else has been in a long relationship please help. Give me advice. I don't know what to do. Me and my boyfriend started dating when we were 12 almost 13 we never meant to fall in love we barely knew eachother but it was just one of those little middle school relationships. We fell hard for eachother in the first couple months of dating. It was like actual love we loved eachother a lot. Well I still love him I always will. And for the past months everytime we would argue about something big or small he woukd threaten to leave me. And I kept begging for him back everytime. But today I blocked him from my phone because I always have the temptation to beg back for him. He told me "good bye we are over" so that's why I blocked him. But then he massaged me on Snapchat and I just had the temptation to look at the message right away. He said he was trying to get a hold of me, after he said we were broken up.? And I just I dont know please help. In the text messages he acts like nothing happened. He thinks things go back to normal after we argue and stuff but I'm still hurt inside.