Getting induced soon...

Beth • Happily married 💍 Mumma of two perfect little bubbas, Oliver and Evelyn 🦖🌈

So I had a hospital appointment today (40weeks1day) and after many tears and panic attacks because I had a doctor who didn't have any idea what she was doing I eventually got my original OB doctor who calmed me down.

I went in and was told that my baby's heart rate was 60... which immediately caused me to panic. This doctor was hopeless and the OB came in, found the ACTUAL heart beat (which was 177) and told the doctor she was looking in the wrong place.

So they did a CTG to check baby movement, which again they made me panic cause they said he should be moving a lot more. Again the OB came in and told me the movements I was having have slowed down but it's still very healthy.

Anyway long story short.... due to slower movements, my cervix being very much closed and being overdue they offered an earlier induction date and I will be getting induced at 40 weeks and 6 days.

I'm just curious to know if anyone has any experience with induction gel.. what is it like? Does it hurt? How long did it take to work?