Fucking love

So my insecure boyfriend was a no show up 3 times in a week. We had drunk sex (our first time) but he was sober. We had another date post sex, and he want to kiss and kiss.. and I really didn't wanted to have sex, I wanted to wait! He got a little resentful and then he was a no show up to our dates, he even tolde me he was depressed so after being ignored after a week I got really worried if he might harmed himself, but he was perfectly ok.

And I tried to cheer him up because I infestaran depression and anxiety,but he broke up with him. And he said don't think I just wanted sex.

I respectéd his choice and didn't complained.

3 days later he contacted me: saying how he missed me. I told him. If you miss why can't you come to my house and tell me? He said he was coming and cancelled at the last minute saying his friend was sick, and his friends are important because they have a connection. I told him that was bullshit and he called to see if I missed him for his ego!!

Later on! I told him! You got what you wanted that's why you changed! Don't ever message me again with your bullshit!

I was really nice with him! Never hurt him! If I wanted to mean, I didn't!

I just feel I will never be loved!!

My first boyfriend cheated on me because I didn't wanted to have sex, second boyfriend the same! Third and fourth boyfriend because I had sex after a while and then they cheated on me!!

This was an asshole!! I don't understand man!!

I lost my job! Cero love!!

I was crying and my mom said:

Nobody will ever marry you! Man are careless!! You have to take the shit to be the wife!! Then she laughed saying that she had more luck with men!

I will date again! But I will cold as a huge cube of ice!!

My dad declared we were going to be whores (since I was in first grade)

I don't understand men!!💔💔💔 😭