Are you close & comfortable with your partners parents?

Brittany 🐾

is this normal-ish????

my partner is very comfortable with my parents, they're warm and funny and welcoming and very laid back! His are, well... quiet, reserved, not very warm, and English isn't their first language however they can speak English extremely well it's not hard for them. They barely speak English around me. I'm upsetting my partner a bit because I hardly go over.. I was SO close with my ex's families. So I know its not me (sounds harsh) but yeah.. whenever I'm there I get nervous to even sit at the table in case I crease the table cloth or something.. I'm very on edge there and i always get anxious before going. Sometimes so bad I break down (I have been diagnosed with anxiety) so it REALLY gets to me especially when he asks me to go visit last minute.

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