Scalp help !!


I was diagnosed with Seborrheic Dermatitis on my scalp and I was given a prescription lotion that I used and it seamed to help but not for long and it's full of chemicals so I did more research and found people saying they use Apple Cider Vinegar to cure it. I decided to try this out I'm supposed to buy a shampoo with no chemicals so I just ordered it and then the ACV as conditioner, I did this last night and I'm not gonna lie my hair looks great however when I got out of the shower my scalp was covered in flakes and I'm trying to figure out if anyone else has tried this and if it works like that? If the first day it makes all the flakes come up and then the next few times it gets rid of it totally ? People use ACV just to treat plain dandruff not just Seborrheic Dermatitis so please let me know if you've tried this and your experience with it.