fenugreek + blessed thistle

Karine 🌷 • Mom of two handsome boys.💙 English is not my native language! Please excuse any mistakes.✌🏻

hello mommas, I'm breastfeeding my son for almost 8 months now, I recently notice a drop in my milk supply. I dont know if it's because my LO is eating more solid food or because I got sick and was eating/drinking less and was on antibiotic. But I started taking Fenugreek and Blessed thistle (3caps 3 times a day). It's been 10 days since I started that but I don't notice any increase in my supply... How long i'm supposed to take that until I see some change? I really don't want to stop breastfeeding, i'm not ready. However, my son have plenty wet diaper in a day, he's never hungry, I think he get what he needs, BUT he started daycare and I need to pump my milk for that and that's the problem ; I pump almost nothing... I used to pump almost 5oz each breast in the morning, but now I only get maybe 1oz each... ☹ Sorry for the long post, please help haha.