
Katie ā€¢ My name is Kate and I just gave birth to our beautiful daughter February 17th 2016. She is our world and we couldn`t feel anymore blessedā¤ I am currently pregnant with our July 2018 baby!

So my DD is trying to cut her last molar and I believe she may be starting to get pain from the canines...her sleep has gone to hell,shes a drooling,snotty, irritable mess. It seems like everything Ive tried works but not for long and all of the orajels and stuff of the sort is for 2+ years...my kids is going to have most of them before then so Im over here like WTF do I do to help her!? I dont want to be giving her meds all the time either. I every couple days or on really bad days will give her motrin but it seems nightime is when its hurting her the most. She asks for a baba all night long and she ends up in bed with us just so we can get some sleep but, even then shes all over the place and waking alot. HELP! what have you mommas used for your feb 16 babies Im desperate! šŸ˜„šŸ˜£