Life ..

My ex and I broke up while I was pregnant, he wasn't ready and I wasn't getting an abortion even tho I was ready either . We still saw each other from time an hung out but never agreed to being back together . After time we rarely saw each other rarely spoke but I still loved him . Now that our baby is here I see him a little more often and he wants a relationship with our baby but we never mentioned one between us again . Even tho it's eating me alive because I want to be with him I want to be a family with him and his other children . I want to ask him like if he even want the same thing ya know ? Because if not I'm wasting my time an emotions being hung up on him . Deep in my heart I can tell he sorta cares about me still but for whatever reason he is hiding it. Idk if it's someone else or if he just needs to get hisself together but I know what I want and I want for us to be on the same page so that I can act accordingly. He says small things that sounds like he wants it but at the same time he says things that say otherwise . Now some may say why would u even wanna be with him but as women we all know the heart wants what the heart wants ...