
Ever since me and my boyfriend have gotten together 3 years ago.. Hes basically cheated on me off and on the whole time. 90% of the time it's with his ex girlfriend who he claims he has no feelings for but keeps going back to and jumps every time she texts him and then other random girls. I know I should of left a long time ago but it's so hard. I literally feel so shitty about myself and he says that he'll stop and never does and I don't believe he will . he keeps saying I'll never find anyone that won't cheat and take care of everything.. I've been a stay at home mom basically our whole relationship because he wanted me to just stay home and take care of the house and kids... I've gained so much weight too and feel so ugly. I know I should leave but I can't. It's hard I'm not strong enough. And it's not because I don't want to be alone for the rest of my life cuz honestly if I ever get the strength to leave I want to be alone with just my kids the rest of my life. On top of that I have depression and social anxiety. Which I had depression and social anxiety since I was in high school but my anxiety has gotten worse since my ex (he was abusive not physically but mentally and emotionally) I really don't need anyone to say negative things I'm just really emotional right now and need opinions. Or something: idk. I need help. Advice. Anything.