Should I message her?

Liz • Wichita Falls, Tx 🏡 Happily Taken 💕💜

16yo who works with my 29yo boyfriend tries hitting him up on Facebook messenger flirting about his cooking. (At work)

I'm sure he's the only cook she's messaging too because, he's the only attractive one.

Granted I'm only 19, she is still a minor.

She is a child.

She should not be engaging contact with a 29 year old.

Nor even someone who's in a relationship.

I thought about messaging her and telling her to back off because, my boyfriend didn't see it as flirting and he also doesn't want to cause drama at his work place because, usually if the teens don't get their way they make up lies at work to get him in trouble and he's worked on and off there for 6 years and is working his ass off to get a higher position.

I don't care if I'm 19 and he's 29 we have a 9 year 5 month age gap.

I love him, he loves me.

Age means nothing when you're LEGAL.

But, she's 16 and should not be flirting with someone almost twice her age.

I just don't know what to do and it's driving me nuts. Let me know what you think!!

Post with her screenshots and what I said to my boyfriend are in a post on my profile!